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Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Stockings Were Hung . . .

Merry Christmas!

Like I mentioned in my earlier post, 
we started a few new traditions this year.
Just trying to slow down and make the 
MOST of each day with my family.

One new tradition we started was an advent stocking.

 With the help of my sweet mother-in-law
(thank you Grandma Jean!)
we sewed 25 sweet little stockings.

Each stocking has a fun activity to do together as a family.
I had so much fun thinking of all the Christmasy things to do.
It also took a bit of planning, making sure we could actually
DO the activity on that day.

 Would you look at that amazing art work!

 Some of them are repeats.
We have 4 'Random Act of Kindness' Days
I'm really looking forward to these days!

I  was even able to sneak in some cleaning tasks!

But because it came out of a cute little stocking,
the girls were thrilled to do it!

Hee hee!  Sneaky lil' Momma I am!

Now just to get a bit of the Christmas logistics done.
Like Christmas cards, shopping and wrapping . . .
love it all!

Hope you're enjoying this Christmas season.
Did you start any new traditions?


  1. Merry Christmas Amy!!! Love this guys are so clever up there.

    Been away for awhile, such a busy time of the year for us, but keeping the spirit of Christmas close to my heart. Catching up on blog visits this evening.

    Blessings...enjoy your advent stockings with the girlies. :)

  2. love this idea guys sure did sew up a storm on these cute stockings. I love the idea of doing something each day. Clever tradition...:) Mica
