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Friday, December 9, 2011

That's A Wrap!

Merry Christmas!

The girls painted our wrapping paper yesterday.

It's something they look forward to every year.
 We crank up the Christmas tunes and I let them go at it.
 We were listening to the best Christmas album ever-
Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton.

 While we were singing along to a song that goes

"I believe in Santa Claus . . . ."

Addy busts out
"I don't believe in Santa, I believe in Jesus!"

 Well, ok then.
You preach it sistah!
Makes it easier to focus on the real meaning of Christmas!

It tends to be somewhat of a messy morning.

But it's worth it.
Like Kaitlyn said:
"When Nana sees this, she's going to open her present soooo carefully and save it for her journal."
Does she know you or what Mom?

Hope you have a wonderful weekend 
making a fun mess with your family!

1 comment:

  1. how fun is that!!! This is so sweet and so precious...your girls are little artists and what a fun way to wrap up some gifts...I love it!!!! Mica
