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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Keep 'em Busy

Today I have a ridiculously easy peasy craft.
We were done with our school work, 
but I wanted to keep the girls busy 
so I could stay busy getting work done.
So I pulled out the handy watercolor paints and some coffee filters

and told them to paint pretty Fallish colors.

 Leave it to my first born to make it into a real art lesson.
I overheard Kaitlyn explaining to her sisters about 
primary colors mixing to make secondary colors.

 Thank you Miss Substitute Teacher Kaitlyn!

After they were dry, 

 we folded them into fourths and cut out a leaf shape.

And just by handy dandy chance, they stayed together.

So we decided to connect them and decorate our window.

 They look so pretty with the sun shining through them.

flying by the seat of your pants 
really works out.
And I'm thankful!

Have a marvelous day!

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